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Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Book Report will be on display in the Berkeley "Art and Literature" show

Hi Friends!
I'm excited to announce that one of my large oil paintings will be on display this summer in Downtown Berkeley.  It has been selected to be part of the "Art and Literature" show that runs throughout the summer.  This show coincides with the Bay Area Book Festival also in Downtown Berkeley on June 4 & 5.  If you are into art and literature, which I know so many of you are, it seems like it would be a great, fun festival to check out.  However, if you would rather skip the 50,000 bibliophiles that are expected at this weekend event, come Friday instead and hang out with me.  We will be celebrating the ART part of the "Art and Literature" on Friday June 3 from 4:00-7:00.  The artist's reception will be at 2055 Center Street, Downtown Berkeley.  Literally (pun intended) a stone's throw from the Berkeley BART station.
There may be prints of this work for sale as well as some literature inspired mini-buttons for sale (hey, support the arts!)
So here's the important info you need to know:
  •  Artist Reception for "Art and Literature"
  •  June 3, 4:00-7:00PM
  •  2055 Center Street, Berkeley
I can't wait to see you and discuss, War and Peace, or Pride and Prejudice, or the latest from Danielle Steel and John Grisham.  
Books are Rad,

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Shells and a Spool of Thread

This was an accidental little still life that I put together a while ago.  I was trying to figure out what my art practice would look like without oil paints.  It was a bit of a paradigm shift for me.  Working small and with water-soluble paints seems so much less...GRAND.  It was like shopping in my closet instead of at Anthropologie.
I didn't realize how much I would enjoy watercolors, pen, ink, pencils after so many years of oil paint.  Somehow these paintings were so much simpler, and seemed like the right level of commitment. That is, I could make something in a few hours instead of a couple of months.  Everyone needs that feeling of accomplishment - especially and artist with two small babies to take care of.
So here you have it. One of the early watercolors. Shells just in time for beach weather.

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Winter time and the holidays

It looks like it might be time to move my studio. I love my studio, but it's a new year and things are changing! 
It is great to be able to go thru the old stuff and see what is there. Does anyone need some baby clothes? I have so many project that I want to get started with I don't even know where to start!
But as the Robin is a symbol of springtime and new beginnings I am posting a picture of one here.